Posted: September 17, 2011 in Bless/Sanctify your home unto God
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Advice on blessing your home

 Where should I read this prayer out? I would suggest that a person would speak out this prayer inside of the home and in a room they feel is most appropriate (living room, family room etc). After reading this prayer out I would suggest that they would then go around and using anointing oil bless each room of their home.

    What do I use for anointing oil? What I would suggest using is a Extra Virgin, Cold Pressed, Olive Oil (cold pressed is purer) which can be purchased at your local grocery store. A 1 quart, or one liter bottle of oil doesn’t cost much and will last for many months. If you have never used anointing oil before I would encourage you to. When we are praying for the Lord’s blessing and protection on our life, or our children, when blessing a home, praying for a healing or deliverance it is good to use anointing oil.

  Matthew 6:17 NIV 17 But when you fast, put oil on your head

  Mark 6:13 NIV 13 They drove out many demons and anointed many sick people with oiland healed them.

  Hebrews 1:9 NIV 9 You have loved righteousness and hated wickedness; therefore God, your God, has set you above your companions by anointing you with the oil of joy.”

  James 5:14 NIV 14 Is any one of you sick? He should call the elders of the church to pray over him and anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord.

    How do I use anointing oil? Blessing the oil. Upon bringing the oil home it needs to be blessedI know some people believe that a ordained minister of the Lord needs to bless oil to be used for anointing, but in the same way that we have Christ’s authority to bless our homes and other people we have the right authority to bless anointing oil. If you prefer a minister, pastor, or anointed Christian friend to bless the oil for you that is not a problem, but God does want each one of us to realize our potential in Christ and to walk in it. To bless the oil to be used for anointing oil is to proclaim it to be so. Holding the bottle you just ask God to bless the oil by His Spirit in that in everything you would bless with this oil would be spiritually sanctified by God’s empowerment.

    Where do I put the oil? Because oil can stain I suggest you use the oil on a wood surface rather than a painted surface, or in inconspicious places such as on the door, or door jam as you enter a room, on a window sill, a closet door, or where you deem would be a good spot. Going into each room of your home speak a blessing over the room then find about two places (or however many you feel led) to bless with oil. I would suggest anointing the door, or door jam as you enter the room and the window sill if the room has a windowTo anoint a spot with oil simply dip your thumb into the bottle of oil and with your thumb make the sign of the cross (about two inches by two inches) where you have chose to anoint. (door, door jam, window, window sill, baseboard, closet door etc.)

    What should you say when blessing with oil? Such things as “Lord in the name of Jesus Christ I bless this door, (door jam, window sill, baseboard etc) to bless this room.” “May Your Holy Spirit flow through and fill this room with Your Spirit.” “In the name of Jesus Christ Father bless, sanctify and purge this room of anything that is of a wrong spirit.” “In the name of Jesus Christ I ask for Your peace and joy to inhabit this room.”Or whatever you feel led to speak out

    And as you go from room to room, down a hallway, up the stairs etckeep speaking blessings on your homeSuch things as “Father fill this home with Your Holy Spirit” “May Your Holy Spirit flow through and fill this home up with Your Spirit.” “May Your Warrior angels take a stance against darkness in this home and may they make a hedge of projection around this home.” “Every article in this home including the building material is yours.” Orwhatever you feel led to speak. 

    Blessing and anointing the outside of the home (the property) In the same way as inside of the home go outside and anointing with oil bless the main land marks within the boundary lines of your property.

   As we had said if a person lives in a condominium, or an apartment where there isn’t any property then this is something you don’t have to do, but even if you are given access to a small sitting area outside of the apartment, condominium etc, go ahead and bless this also.

    Also if a person has a huge property I would advise that you walk the parameters of the main yard that you maintain around your home, but as you pray over that area you can speak out and dedicate everything within the boundary lines of your property from corner post to corner post unto the Lord. (At another time if you happen to be going out to work on an area of your property, or out to walk your property you could make it a point to take some anointing oil with you and bless an area of your property as you go.)

    Going outside with your anointing oil walk the parameter (the boundary lines) of your property (front and back yard) and bless some of the landmarks in that path as you go such as a fence post, tree, the garage, a boundary stake, telephone pole, garden shed etc. After walking the property lines around your property you can then focus some time blessing and anointing some of the objects/ landmarks that are more in the center of your property, (front and back yard). You don’t have to bless every object on your property line, or within the parameter of your property as long as you are satisfied you have blessed and anointed the main landmarks, corner posts, buildings, trees etc. on your property.

    Also in the same way as you would speak out your blessings when anointing the inside of the home with oil speak out your blessings as you are walking around your yard/ property and when you are anointing an object.

    You can say such things as “Father in Jesus Christ’s name I ask that You would sanctify everything within the parameters of my (our) property in that everything is made holy”“Father I dedicate this property unto You and I ask that Your Holy Spirit would continually flow over and perpetually bless this property.” “In the name of Jesus Christ I ask that Your Warrior Angels would guard over this property and purge it of every form of evil that tries to come onto this property.” “Father I bless this tree (shed, garage, fence post etc) in the name of Jesus Christ.” “I offer everything on this property up to You and put them into Your hands.” “I claim every blade of grass on this property, every tree, every building etc for the Kingdom of God. Everything here is Yours to govern over.” Or whatever you feel led to speak.


 Barry McLaughlin Freedom Deliverance Ministry 



  1. Kori says:

    Thank you so much, we just moved here two years ago and felt that this is the place the Lord would have us live, even the stone underneath our house has the scripture about Jesus being the cornerstone, but something bad happened here and we are not quite sure what, it just seems like we are all fighting alot about stupid things. Plus, I am struggling with RA and cannot be the person I used to be, I quit my meds and thought the Lord would heal me, but He has not and I am in pain so I am going to a new Dr. soon to get medication. We have stopped going to church. if you think about it, please pray for us, I will soon bless this house. Thanks again for a wonderful article on how to bless our house.

  2. Thank you Kori! I am so glad you were blessed by this knowledge. I will pray for your family and for God to heal you. KEEP believing for your victory. NEVER give up. Sometimes it takes some pounding that devil to get release – but you outrank him by the Blood of JESUS and with the authority of JESUS Name!!! Your VICTORY was won on the cross long ago. So the enemy is still contending with us and expects us not to war for our possessios/blessings — but prove him wrong! God expects us to fight til we win. Amen! Don’t stop going to church, you need the support and love of others to help you. Ask God if He has another place of worship that will meet your needs and where they actually READ THE WORD and will pray for you! The Lord will direct your steps. He loves you very much. God give you great grace to stand your ground and give you a testimony that brings the adversary to open shame! A G A P E Love and blessings!!! It’s so nice to hear from you 🙂

  3. Elvis says:

    Hi I have been browsing online seeking how to anoint and bless my home and business and I am so happy with what I read and would definitely do it .

    Thanks Elvis

  4. Cecilia says:

    Thanks for the lessons

  5. Staci says:

    I was so inspired by this article. I was searching for ways to anoint my son’s bedroom. He is a prodigal right now and I’ve been really praying for his return home. He is 19 and capable of making his own choices but he decided to leave home (because he did not like my rules) to go live with his father who has addiction issues. So I plan on spending the day Saturday cleaning his room and anointing it to prepare for when he does return. I am standing firm in my faith and belief and thanking God even though I can’t see what He’s doing in the present moment to bless us in the future. Thanks for posting this!

    • This is a difficult situation. I know how you feel. My sons were kidnapped from me —- BUT GOD!!!! They were also in their teens then. Their father did everything in his selfish human strength to prove I was not a good mom and try to get custody of them just to AVOID paying child support. The Lord told me to put in red writing on their bedroom doorpost “YOU ARE COVERED & PRESERVED BY THE BLOOD OF JESUS” —- I did this (using red lipstick) and everyday I declared and decreed this over them while they were in hiding with him. I continued working in the church — giving of myself to build and keep the Lord’s House as I knew He would keep and build my own house! I believed and quoted His promises every day. I was a “wreck in FAITH” but I NEVER gave up on believing the Lord would return my kids to me. I was anointed and appointed to be their mom!!!! Their father was away from the Lord (rebellious) and not able to care for them in any way. I was at the church working when he decided (on his own accord) to bring them back (3 weeks later). I was so busy I told him to bring them home at 5:00pm that I would be there then. He did just that. I was so happy to see them. They looked hungry and was dirty from the experience. I was so happy that the Lord honored me. My church all believed for God to answer my cause and we celebrated together their return home. My boys are now 35 and 37 and have kids of their own. I now have 6 grandchildren!!! Although those days are far behind me — I am reminded of God’s Faithfulness to me. KEEP believing NO MATTER WHAT. God is on the side of HIs servants!!! Find a place to serve Father God while you are in the waiting —- He must always be FIRST in our lives — He takes care of His own. Love and blessings —- You have my supportive and fervent prayers my dear precious sister!!! 😉 ALL IS WELL

  6. Mel says:

    thank you so much, I really needed this. May God bless everyone.

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